Monday, November 30, 2009

It's not easy being Green..

Could it be? Have we been suckered into believing and completely shifting the way we live our lives for a false idea of climate change? Companies have altered their marketing , governments have implemented laws, film makers have documented and reported on this phenomenon all in order to cater to this green movement. The shouting of those who believe in global warming has been so convincing it has scared a major portion of the population of the world to dramatically alter the way they live their lives. If they don't comply to the Green Lifestyle, they clearly don't appreciate the planet are contributing to the demise of our planet. But have these green-loving planeteers been deceiving us all along?

Even after the recent reports of fraud and deception the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) maintains their previous position on the subject:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stretching? Or strengthening?

Interesting, all the core exercising people of authority are getting in these days. Up, down, touch the ground--but only in front of strategic foreign leaders. It's kind of like that one person doing a standing ovation when the rest of the crowd is silent: great manners? or just trying to make a point?

Health Care Reform

The House of Representatives has recently passed an extensive Health Care Reform bill, which will include, in its current state, access to abortion. The debate surrounded by this bill is challenging politicians on either side of the aisle to take a stance on the highly controversial issue. President Obama has been avoiding taking a definitive stance on the issue since the beginning of his campaign. The decision that will be made concerning this clause will effect the abortion holocaust we have been fighting against since 1973.

This article talks about the problems brought about by this abortion clause:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Importance of Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is the Pope’s magisterial teaching used in order to help man understand his role in striving for the common good. To better understand and to draw fully the meaning of Jesus’ intention for our interactions with others we must look to the Gospel. Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospel are inextricably linked. Catholic Social Teaching expands Gospel’s message. In the Gospel Jesus calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves, this is the basis of all of the Catholic Church Social Teaching Doctrine. The Pope’s have interpreted God’s law from the Gospels and apply it to modern issues facing God’s people. We must more fully appreciate and utilize the Church’s position on such important and pressing issues. In order to make a positive impact on our society we must listen to the Church’s wisdom, and knowing that it is based on Christ’s teachings be willing to accept it and apply it in our lives.

This is why we feel it is important for Hot Button Productions to use the Catholic Church's teachings as a foundation for how we understand things.

Church and State

Oftentimes people get angry when religious leaders, particularly Catholic leaders, attempt to comment on public issues. Citing the principle of Separation of Church and State, some people declare that religion has no right or place to assert itself in political and social matters. What these people do not understand, however, is that, as Mother and Teacher of man, the Church has not only the right, but also the duty to instruct Her children in matters which concern not just their spiritual, but also their physical well-being. “[The] Church is an "expert in humanity", and this leads her necessarily to extend her religious mission to the various fields in which men and women expend their efforts…" --John Paul II,
Solicitudo Rei Socialis.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ever noticed that girls tend to date older guys and wondered why?

It's a generally conceded fact--and I emphasize generally--that girls tend to mature faster than guys. Girls are planning their weddings by the time they are twelve while guys in their late teens can't seem to pull their heads out of the drama of World of War Craft long enough to realize what time it is. Ask any teenage guy, and most of them will tell you they prefer not to plan anything. "I just like to go with the flow," they drawl, which is really code for, "I don't want to commit."

Girls, on the other hand, are all about commitment. Security is important to them, whether it's financial security, physical security or other, girls tend to want to know where they stand and where they are going. They look for guys who care enough about their own lives to get them in order and plan for the future. Girls want to know they can depend on their male counterparts.

Older guys tend to have come to grips with the realization that the world isn't all War Craft. A job is needed if the latest games are to be got, along with the pizza and beer necessary to maintain competitive endurance. A job means being somewhere on time which infers discipline. Discipline, moreover, strengthens maturity through responsibility. Responsible guys are appealing to girls because that maturity bespeaks security. Hence the reason to look up, instead of down, on the age chart when looking for a marriage partner.

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely guys out there with good heads on their shoulders whose maturity level exceeds girls of their own age, and even twice their age, by miles. It's guys like these whose maturity will have a positive effect on the state of the nation because whether we want to acknowledge it or not, guys have the leadership role. It is when they fail to act with their full potential in that role, that there is a void that must be filled. It will be filled, moreover, by girls who have a sense of direction and the determination to get things done. If we've all had enough of controlling women, however, then all that is left to be said is: Man UP!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Human Dignity

An essential part of society is the underlying principle of respect for human dignity . When a society starts to loose respect for human life, in whatever stage, it puts itself in extreme danger. Whether a society neglects a person’s right to life, as seen in the practices of abortion or euthanasia, or neglects a person’s rights to the basic necessities for preserving life, as seen in the inhuman conditions of work or even the unjust social systems such as extreme socialism or liberalism, they put themselves at risk. To neglect any of these aspects of life would directly contradict the Gospel message, to love your neighbor as yourself. Our sole purpose on this earth and the way we will ultimately enter into Heaven is to learn true self-giving love. We see that each predicament society finds itself in is caused by a lack of genuine care for another person. Society and its members must struggle to uphold the dignity of every human person; if we can accomplish this goal then our world would not be faced with such chaos. It seems that this answer is a little too simple, but then again, is it really surprising that God’s law would make absolutely perfect sense?